May 23, 2010

The Promenade Gardens in May

Many people will visit the Promenade and miss half the view. Hanging on the harbor side fence admiring the spectacular view of the skyline they fail to look back over their shoulder and see the flower gardens on the inward side.

The gardens extend the full length of the Promenade from Remsen Street to Orchard Street and are punctuated at every entry with small pocket gardens. They change constantly depending on the season. Presently the Iris are just past their peak.

I view the flowers in several different ways. Sometimes I see them as large groups of color. Other times I see them as compositions and groups of specific blooms. This time I searched amongst the thousands of flowers to find the most perfect blooms.

May 4, 2010

The Brooklyn Promenade

This is the perfect place to see the City of New York. From the Promenade, you will find unparalleled views of the city and harbor. The Promenade is a walkway along the west edge of the hill upon which Brooklyn Heights was built. It offers the rarest of all commodities in New York, space. Vast space stretching for miles in every direction. Space large enough to contain one of the worlds largest and most vibrant cities. Across the harbor the buildings of downtown Manhattan rise like a mountain range. Uptown the Brooklyn Bridge floats on air as it spans from Brooklyn to Manhattan. The Manhattan Bridge makes it’s landfall and in the distance you can see the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building and Rock Center. To me this view is a view of boundless hope and opportunity. Standing on the Heights looking upon the skyline and beyond to the hills of New Jersey you feel like you are looking out across the entire country.

This 6 block long promenade is a glorious place to walk and take the air. I usually start my walk on the promenade by walking north... then back, to see the sunset, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Along the promenade you will find the residents of the neighborhood, walking, jogging, sitting on the benches catching up with the recent news. Spend much time here and you will notice for the residents even a trip to the grocery store will include a walk along the promenade.

Don’t miss the flowers blooming in the adjacent gardens.

The Montague Street entrance to the promenade is incredibly photogenic.

There is no better place to begin to stroll than the Pierrepont Street entrance.

Walk through the narrow streets of the North Heights and then enter the Promenade at Orchard Street.